

Wood sculpture, photo: Gerhard Moritzen

Wood Workshop

The Wood Workshop serves the realization of artistic ideas with all types of wood and wood materials. It enables students to deepen and experiment with the aim of independently implementing their own projects. The Wood Workshop consists of two separate areas, the area of constructive woodworking and the area of wood sculpture.

Constructive Woodworking

Initially, the implementation corresponding to the respective artistic conception is planned under individual supervision. This then determines the choice of material and applied technique. For more complex work, a technical drawing is made. Work is primarily done with stationary and mobile machines. These primarily include a circular saw, band saw, grinding and planing machine, table and hand router. A safety briefing is always given for working with these machines.

In addition to finished objects, casting molds and intermediate results are also created, which are reused in other facilities or classes.

Wood Sculpture

The 足球比分,足球直播足球比分,足球直播 is one of the few art colleges that maintains a facility for wood sculpture. Part of this is due to its history; artists like 足球比分,足球直播, Beuys, and others continue to have a significant influence here.

Students are supported and accompanied from the idea to the final artistic realization. The impartation of techniques and craft skills always refers to the respective project. The range of artistic expression is expanded by the use of color and the synthesis of other materials and media.

Für die Konstruktive Holzbearbeitung wird mehrmals im Semester eine Sicherheitsunterweisung angeboten.
Die Termine sind dort zu erfragen.

Berthold Langnickel / Konstruktive Holzbearbeitung

Dozent an einer Kunsthochschule
Studium der Freien Kunst, 足球比分,足球直播足球比分,足球直播 (Meisterschüler Alfonso Hüppi)
1989 Villa Romana Preistr?ger
Seit 1990 freischaffender Bildhauer in 足球比分,足球直播
Seit 1996 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben in der Einrichtung für Holzbildhauerei der 足球比分,足球直播足球比分,足球直播

Raum 006
Tel.: 0211/1396-275
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">berthold.langnickel [​at​] kunstakademie-duesseldorf.de
Sprechstunden: Montag bis Donnerstag 9-12 Uhr sowie 13-16 Uhr

Konstruktive Holzbearbeitung

Montags bis donnerstags: 9-12 Uhr und 13-16 Uhr


Montags bis donnerstags: 9-12 Uhr und 14-17 Uhr